Thursday, February 24, 2011

28, 4, 1 But Who's Counting?

As of yesterday we have been here exactly 28 days, 4 weeks, or 1 month whichever you prefer. We have been busy exploring, learning and figuring out life in Hong Kong. Having never been an ex-pat I really wasn’t prepared for living in a new country and leaving my friends, family and job behind. 

The following is what the past 28 days have taught me:

1. not all taxi drivers understand where you want to go even if they act like they do
2. some of us don’t like to have eye contact with our food
3. you need a coat in Hong Kong during the winter
4. even a little pollution can make your allergies go wild
5. pantomime is not an acceptable form of communication
6. you must press the buzzer if you really want the bus driver to stop
7. always carry a cloth shopping bag with you
8. the cleanest apartment will still have roaches
9. steps and hills will make your bum tighter
10. photographs of your family are important
11. walking in Causeway Bay on Sunday requires the skill of a wide receiver
12. electric alarm clocks are a precious commodity
13. it takes a long time for the hot water to get to the bathroom
14. wanting to Skype with your dog is normal
15. strolling down the street with a broom and large package of toilet paper is a humbling experience 
16. wearing heals in the subway is not for the faint hearted
17. waking up in the morning and saying “What do I want to do today?” instead of “What do I need to do today?” takes getting used to
18. restrooms with western toilets are always preferable
19. (and on that same note) always carry tissues with you
20. everyone in Hong Kong does not speak English
21. not all roads on maps are for cars or really are even roads
22. Thai food helps when you’re craving Mexican
23. what did we do before email and Facebook?
24. sometimes it’s better to take the stairs then an old elevator
25. laughing with friends is the very best drug
26. you can read a lot of books when you only have 3 television channels
27. Chinese tea truly is the best
28. having your son tell you he is proud of what you’re doing makes being a mom the most wonderful career in the world!

Who knows what the next day, week or month will bring? I’ll keep you posted.

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